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    Flint Package

    icon for the flint package

    The all-in-one solution for social media success. Access 12 customizable templates, a strategic planner for optimal posting times, and expert guidance through a free consultation, empowering your business to thrive online.

    The Goal

    The goal of utilizing Flint’s package is to establish a strong and captivating presence for your company on leading social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, effectively engaging with both local and international audiences. By leveraging tailored templates, strategic planning, and expert guidance, the aim is to amplify brand visibility, foster meaningful connections with customers, and drive sustained growth and success in the digital realm.

    What's Included:

    • Social Media Templates
      • 12 easy to use patterns to create social media content for all
        Meta Platform content like reel, stories, and feed posts
    • Social Media Planner
      • The best researched method for your business to gain footing in
      the Meta algorithm
    • Content Instruction Manual
      • Read about the variety of content to utilize on Meta platforms,
        how to use them, and the success they’ll get you
    •  Social Media Strategy Consultation
      • Learn how to use all the provided material from an Expert in
        social media growth

    Why Phoenix?

    We’re not like every other marketing firm out there. We’re deeply rooted in our mission to uplift the under-served and guide them to succeed.

    Get in touch today and let’s write your winning story together.

    phoenix creative solutions team
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