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    Honest Buds | The Leaders in Cannabis and Tech

    About the Project

    Ready for a game-changer? Honest Buds has cracked the code by merging cannabis and tech to redefine two booming industries, improving customer experience, shop convenience, and product grading. HonestBuds offers dispensaries a web and app-based service to help employees generate 200-300 word product descriptions in 5.4-7.5 minutes. Employees grade products on a rubric via the HB app, which automatically translates product grades into sentence fragments. With no other tech like this on the market, Honest Buds is the first of it's kind brave enough to take on an industry with slowly changing perceptions on the positive aspects to cannabis.

    Working with Honest Buds, we helped them launch their digital presence and improve their visuals. This has increased the credibility of the company, and as a result, more investors have shown interest in this revolutionary service. By using branding techniques to associate the logo and imagery with cannabis-related products, Honest Buds has found a strong footing in the business world.

    Honest Buds Instagram

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